Upcoming Courses
Previous Courses
The final session of the series will focus on behaviour. This session will discuss how behaviour can impact mental health. In session will discuss the importance of routine, behavioural activation and goal setting.
This session will continue to utilise the CBT structure but will focus on emotions. This session will assist everyone to identify their emotions in relation to the pandemic and how it might be impacting your mental health. This session will identify helpful ways of managing these emotions to improve your mental wellbeing.
This session will introduce CBT and the fundamental principles; thoughts emotions and behaviour. This session will focus mainly on the first concept thoughts and the role they play in our mental health. Will identify common thought patterns during the pandemic and ways of managing these thinking traps.
The first session will be an introduction into the impact COVID-19 is having on mental health. The session will aim to help you identify why you may be feeling certain ways during the pandemic and normalising this experience. The session will also highlight practical steps to manage COVID-19 and ways of maintaining good health/wellbeing.
This session will give you 4 practical tools to use when emotions are running high.
In this webinar you will explore how your body can respond positively to stress and remain calm through the daily challenges of life.
In this webinar you will identify 3 core values and how to use these to set inspirational goals
This session will introduce the fundamentals of Mindfulness and teach you how to use the body scan practice
This one hour workshop will enhance your ability to stay in the moment and increase your enjoyment of the festive season.
This one hour workshop explores how mindfulness reduces anxiety and calms the central nervous system.
This one hour workshop will use mindfulness to reduce the negative impact of guilt.
This one hour workshop will explore how we can use mindfulness to improve sleep.
This one hour workshop will enhance your ability to be present and connected to your loved ones
This 1 hour session will explore the Growth/Fixed mindset (developed by Professor Carol Dweck). This mindset is widely used in sport and business to develop mental skills and resilience that enable you to reach your potential.