How to stay calm during the school holidays and connect mindfully with your children.
How to get support after a motor vehicle accident
Welcoming a newborn into the family is a momentous occasion filled with love, excitement, and anticipation. However, amidst the whirlwind of diaper changes, late-night feedings, and endless cuddles, it's easy for new parents to lose sight of their own well-being. Here are 5 reasons why seeing a psychologist in the first 12 months post-partum is essential
Did you know that depression affects over 264 million people worldwide? It's a staggering statistic, but there's hope. At The Mindful Centre, we believe that no one should navigate the complexities of depression and anxiety alone. Since 2006 our therapy services have offered a beacon of light in the darkness, providing thousands of people, just like you with the tools and support to find clarity, confidence, and calm.
With the start of a new school year, one topic comes up quite frequently: school refusal. Early studies have actually shown that after the COVID pandemic, when it came time to return to school, the rates of school refusal increased significantly, than compared to pre-pandemic times.
In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, few bonds rival the depth and complexity of marriage. Yet, as beautiful as it can be, marriage often presents challenges that test the strength and resilience of both partners. From communication breakdowns to conflicting priorities, navigating the ebbs and flows of married life requires dedication, understanding, and sometimes, a little professional guidance.
In this article, we share insights on the importance of connection and community in the peri natal period of transitioning into parenthood.
In this article, The Mindful Centre shares information on what is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), some recent discoveries, how to support people and acknowledging challenges and strengths.
A mental health care plan is a formal document that outlines the treatment and support you'll receive for mental health issues. It's typically provided by a medical doctor or general practitioner (GP) and allows you to access subsidised mental health services. If you're in Australia, here's how you can get a mental health care plan:
Counselling can play a significant role in helping individuals manage chronic diseases by addressing various psychological, emotional, and behavioural aspects of their condition. While counselling cannot directly cure a chronic disease, it can provide valuable support and strategies to improve overall well-being and quality of life. Here's how counselling can help:
This year on July 30 is International Day of Friendship. In 2011, the U.N. designated the first International Day of Friendship to promote peace and harmony through building bridges between communities, but the very first World Friendship Day was proposed in 1958 by an organisation called the World Friendship Crusade. According to the International Day of Friendship organisers, babies start to recognize friendships by 9 months of age, and by the time we’re young adults, the average person spends from 10-25 hours per week socializing with friends.
Men’s Health Week is coming up next month from 12-18 June 2023. The theme this year is Healthy Habits which encourages men to identify small changes they can make to benefit their health and wellbeing.
Many people describe their lives as busy and fast paced and not having enough time to slow down or switch off. Due to constantly being on the go it can be challenging to stay in the present moment. Instead when we take breaks our attention usually goes to our phones, TV or the other distractions of day to day life. The danger of not being present is that we are often mindlessly engaging in activities but in the background our mind is continuing to be active.
Maintaining strong connected relationships with family and friends is important for our overall well-being, but sometimes we may need to establish boundaries with those who have a tendency to overstep
It is common for people to experience difficulty from unwinding from their work or responsibilities. Often when we return home our mind automatically starts making to-do-lists or thinking about what tomorrow might look like.
We all hold certain beliefs and perceptions of who we are, which can be either negative or positive. These certain beliefs and ideas that we hold are influenced by our upbringing, past experiences, culture and relationships. The way we see ourselves can also be heavily influenced by the way we talk to ourselves, which can also impact on how we think, feel and behave.
Happy New Year everyone! For many of us, the start of the year means that we set new goals for ourselves. We plan to do more exercise, eat more vegetables, or spend less time on social media and more time with our families and friends.
The holiday period can be a difficult time to maintain our physical and mental wellbeing. During this time of the year we lose our routines, eat differently and have a change in our sleep patterns.
Have you ever found yourself rushing through a meal because you have to do something or be somewhere?. Do you often find yourself eating because you are bored, stressed or over eat until you feel sick?.
Compassion is being kind, showing empathy and trying to alleviate suffering. Many of us are able to be compassionate towards others, especially the ones we love and care for.
When we hurt ourselves and become injured, we have a tendency to take up the advice to rest. You will hear this a lot from your loved ones and/or your doctor. Whilst this may be true in some circumstances, this is different following a workplace injury.
Emotions are reactions that human beings experience in response to events or situations. Emotions are important as they have a strong influence on our daily lives and can impact our decisions. There are many different types of emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger and surprise. Depending on the trigger may depend on the emotion that is experienced.
From time to time most of us will experience different levels of stress due to factors such as work, school, relationships, finances etc
The ability to stay well during a storm or bounce back from a difficult event is dependent upon someone’s resilience. Resilience enables us to have the ability to adapt well to stress, adversity or tragedy. The ability to be able to adjust well to change improves a persons quality of life.
When you think about moving out of your comfort zone, what are your initial thoughts and feelings?.
The skill is centred around breathing. It aims at assisting us to notice when we are heightened, to assist us with recognising early warning signs, to slow down and regulate our breathing and to reduce reactivity when heightened.
Have you ever found yourself tossing and turning trying to fall asleep even though you were feeling tired during the day, longing for a good night’s sleep?.
By developing helpful communication strategies we can express what we want in a clear and calm way. This is called assertive communication.
Have you ever felt anxious, tired, stressed, unable to concentrate, unable to fall asleep at night, lack of motivation or lack of energy, or all of the above?