What is a mental health care plan?

A mental health care plan is a formal document that outlines the treatment and support you'll receive for mental health issues. It's typically provided by a medical doctor or general practitioner (GP) and allows you to access subsidised mental health services. If you're in Australia, here's how you can get a mental health care plan:

1.    Visit Your General Practitioner (GP): Schedule an appointment with your GP to discuss your mental health concerns. Be open and honest about your symptoms, feelings, and any difficulties you're experiencing.

2.    Assessment: Your GP will conduct an assessment to determine the nature and severity of your mental health condition. They may ask you questions about your symptoms, daily functioning, and any past treatment you've received.

3.    Discussion about Treatment Options: Based on the assessment, your GP will discuss suitable treatment options with you. This may include counselling, therapy, medication, or a combination of approaches.

4.    Mental Health Care Plan: If your GP determines that you would benefit from ongoing mental health support, they will create a mental health care plan for you. This plan outlines the recommended treatment, goals, and the number of sessions you may be eligible for, under Medicare.

5.    Referrals: If your plan includes counselling or therapy, your GP may refer you to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker. They will provide you with a list of eligible providers.

6.    Medicare Benefits: With a mental health care plan, you'll be eligible for Medicare rebates for a certain number of sessions. These rebates can significantly reduce the cost of your mental health appointments.

7.    Attend Appointments: Make appointments with the referred psychologist and attend the recommended sessions. Your progress will be reviewed periodically by your GP to assess whether any adjustments to your plan are needed.

Here at The Mindful Centre, we understand that health is our world, not yours and it can feel overwhelming and complex to understand. We are here to help so feel free to call us for further information or to get some initial information to get your started.


Irene Matanovic