6 ways to de-stress after a busy work day

It is common for people to experience difficulty from unwinding from their work or responsibilities. Often when we return home our mind automatically starts making to-do-lists or thinking about what tomorrow might look like.

Being able to reduce our stress after a work day is crucial to maintain a healthy work life balance, stabilising mood and maintaining good physical health.

Please find below six helpful ways to unwind from a busy day:

1.      Get some exercise – Exercise can be a great way to improve mood, reduce stress and distract ourselves from our worries.

2.      Practice mindfulness – Engage in the present moment and be conscious of the activities you are completing. This can help to reduce stress as it stops our minds from wandering and worrying about the next day.  Consider trying a mindfulness meditation or even a simple breathing strategy.

3.    Engage in a hobby – Doing something you enjoy and can master will improve mood and self-esteem. Often when we are stressed we engage in negative thinking about ourself and abilities, which can negatively impact upon our mood and self-esteem.

4.    Take a warm bath or shower- If noticing physical symptoms of anxiety taking a relaxing bath may assist with relaxing the muscles and tension and allow ourselves to physically destress.

5.    Connect with a positive support – Reaching out to a positive support can allow us to feel connected, heard and supported.

6.    Gratitude- at the end of your work day try and reflect on the positive things that happened. This allows us to shift our focus from stress and anxiety to appreciation.

Try and incorporate some of these tips into your routine even if they are just for 10 minutes and see how they work for you!


Coping With Stress (health.wa.gov.au)

Irene Matanovic