How to improve sleep


Have you ever found yourself tossing and turning trying to fall asleep even though you were feeling tired during the day, longing for a good night’s sleep?.

You may not have ever thought about what the benefits of getting a good night sleep may be or may have never noticed the habits you create during the day may potentially impact on your sleep at night.

A good way to start on a good night's sleep is working ‘sleep hygiene’, which involves focusing on your habits that can impact your sleep.

Having good sleep hygiene is the stepping stone to help you get that good night sleep you’ve been longing for.

Here are some tips on how to sleep better through creating good sleep hygiene.

Bedtime Routine:

-       Sleeping only when you are sleepy

-       Going to bed and waking up the same time every day

-       Avoid screen time before bed as the light exposure can keep you awake; this can be replaced with activities like reading a book or journaling

-       If you can, remove any clocks in your room so you are less likely to check the time constantly which may be likely keeping you up when you are not able to sleep

-       Using your bed only for sleep so that your body can associate bed and sleep.

-       If you having difficulties falling asleep after 20 minutes, get up and engage in something boring or calming then try again

Habits that can create good sleep hygiene:

-       Avoiding caffeine 4-6 hours before bed; this include tea, coke, and energy drinks

-       Avoid naps during the day; if you do ensuring it is no longer than 30 minutes

-       Exercise regularly - research has shown that exercise helps regulate sleep

-       Limiting use of alcohol, you may find that you will fall asleep quicker however the quality of sleep can still be impacted

Being able to create good sleep hygiene is important, however it is also important that your bedroom is comfortable. For example, this can be ensuring that your bedroom is quiet, your bed and pillows are comfortable and ensuring optimal room temperature.

It has been encouraged that adults get roughly 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night as it is beneficial for your health and mental health.

It may take some time to change your routine to create good sleep hygiene. You can try implementing the above sleeping tips one or two at a time as a starting point.

Irene Matanovic